The name is a combination of the greek prefix proto ("first" or "before", "original") and the element actinium, because it is the precursor of actinium in the so called decay chain of uranium.
Whenever a radioactive element decays, it loses some of its components (protons and neutrons) and becomes a completely different element. This element in return can also be radioactive and unstable and may decay again turning into another element. This process continues until eventually a stable element (more precicely: isotope) occurs. This cascade of elements transforming into one another is called decay chain. In this case it is the uranium-actinium-series, which decays in twelve steps from uranium-235 via thorium-231, protactinium-231, actinium-227 all the way to lead-207.
the name implies that they
the name implies that they are action-actum's prototype. what is their relation?
When Uranium-235 decays
When Uranium-235 (a specific isotope* of Uranium) decays, it goes through several phases in which it transforms into other elements. The final result is the stable lead-207. In this chain-reaction of radioactive decay, Protactinium comes before Actinium. Hence the name.
*Isotopes are variantions of elements that differ only in the number of neutrons.
i mean like, lore...
i mean like, lore...
thanks though!
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